How to cleanse the body of parasites.

Cleaning the body of parasites is one of the firstwe eliminate parasites from the human bodyActivities to consider if you decide to take charge of your own health. The fact is that there are more than 60 different types of parasitic species that can inhabit the most diverse systems of our body.

With such a large number of potential "neighbors", there is a fairly high probability that every day we "feed" many freeloaders. And, if you take the organization of additional nutrition of your body with useful vitamins and minerals, these same neighbors will gratefully accept your efforts to optimize their diet.

We won't list them all, but it makes sense to determine the subspecies of these uninvited hosts and which organs they most frequently infect. And then we will select the means that remove parasites from the body.

What parasites live in the human body?

By definition, a parasitic organism is one that lives at the expense of another. These can be multicellular organisms, as well as viruses, bacteria and fungi that use this mode of existence.

At the same time, it is not worth ascribing all bacteria to this despicable class: there are forms of coexistence when both parties are neutral to each other or even benefit. You've heard of good bacteria, haven't you?

Humanity is forced to endure such a neighborhood during, probably, its entire development: the first data on these plagues are found in the records of ancient Egypt dating back to 3000 years before Christ. And laboratory analysis of ancient fossils from around 5900 BC. C. also discovered the presence of eggs of one of the species: hookworms.

With the development of science and culture, the number of parasites in the human body decreases. For example, the abandonment of the practice of eating raw meat has led to a decrease in Danish infection rates with the "pig tapeworm", another species, from 53% to 20% in just 10-12 years.

This suggests that a conscious attitude towards your body can significantly affect our health in general and this problem in particular.

There are two large groups of parasites: endoparasites and ectoparasites. These prefixes are translated from the Greek as "inside" and "outside", respectively. That is, we divide all parasites into those that live inside and outside our body.

Endoparasites, in turn, are divided into three more groups: helminths (worms), protozoa (protozoa) and others. So, if you don't complicate the terms, it all seems pretty simple.

There are 17 species of protozoan organisms or protozoa. They can affect the following organs and systems:

  • Eyes;
  • Brain;
  • Intestine, colon, esophagus, liver;
  • A heart;
  • Muscles, inner surface of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • Blood.

Worms aren't simple either - there are up to 37 types of them! Many of them can settle in different organs:

  • Intestines, liver, kidneys, appendix, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen;
  • Lungs;
  • Subcutaneous tissue, muscles;
  • Blood, lymphatic system;
  • Eyes, brain.

Of the internal neighbors, there are still "others", of which there are not so many species, but they can also settle on the organs listed above.

But there are also those who live outside: ectoparasites. These include:

  • Louse: head, pubis and clothing. The first is clear where you live, but the second can be transmitted through clothing or bedding;
  • Demodecosis - settles on the eyelashes, eyebrows and hair follicles of the body;
  • Scabies is not just "itchy", it is one of the types of ectoparasites, which has its own scientific name: Sarcoptes scabiei;
  • Bed bugs: yes, we must be more careful with those we admit to bed.

There are also cochliomyasis larvae, rare in our area, that penetrate the skin when bitten by flies in North Africa and Central America.

Well, a long list? Afraid? But you probably just wanted to know how to cleanse the body of parasites. . .

You need to understand that each of these types can be identified in its own way, passing the appropriate tests and analyzes in laboratories. But cleaning the body of parasites at home is quite possible!

Antiparasitic cleaning of the body at home.

Well, now let's find out how you can cleanse the body of parasites at home.

One of the first recommendations is an antiparasitic agent based on the Vitex tripolia plant, which helps to eliminate both the smallest protozoan parasites, fungi and bacteria as well as helminth eggs. Cleanses the lymphatic system, blood vessels, lymph nodes, heals fungal lesions on the skin and internal organs.

The antiparasitic leaves of galangal will help to cope with helminths (worms), round and flat worms and their eggs. It is also a very effective and natural remedy.

An important point! If you have a suspicion that someone lives in your intestine, or you just drink health herbs with an antiparasitic effect, on the fifth day. Necessarily ! ! ! drink activated fiber. It will help prevent intestinal blockages and poisoning the body with toxins from dead worms.

For children, these remedies, although natural, are not recommended. Also, you should not poison a young child's body with chemicals. But a firming syrup with antiparasitic effect, which has a 100% natural composition, you can! The syrup helps eliminate both protozoa and helminths. But there are difficulties with the transfer of liquids from Thailand.

Moringa capsules are also antiparasitic and can be drunk at any age. Moringa has a positive effect on the blood, kidneys, liver, bronchi, lungs, strengthens bones, teeth and immunity. It is also effective against parasites of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thai turmeric capsules are designed to solve problems with diseases of the digestive tract. At the same time, they protect you from helminths. This is a natural and natural product, and if you want to eliminate parasites from the body with folk remedies, then this is such a popular remedy - it has just passed the test of time and knowledge of traditional Thai medicine.

Expel intestinal parasite tea from the fruits of the rare Ayurvedic tree Helicteres isora. It is used in the treatment of many intestinal diseases and infections, in case of poisoning and the need for detoxification. In addition to the intestines, it cleanses the liver. It is also available in capsule form.

A preparation based on hauttuynia cordata inhibits the growth of fungi and many bacteria, destroying many of them without damaging the body. It has an anthelmintic effect, cleanses the blood, improves lymphatic flow. This natural medicine contains 4 plants with antibacterial and antifungal properties: heart-shaped hautyunnia, acanthus, rinacanthus and butea. In general, the effect of this drug is much broader than cleaning the body of parasites, read more.

In case of damage to liver parasites, the capsules will help: tinospora, phyllanthus niruri, eurycoma and Gymnopetalum chinense, which has no Russian translation yet, but has antibacterial activity. . . . This remedy will generally help with many liver problems.

I would also like to draw your attention to giardia, a representative of the protozoan genus, which parasitizes the small intestine and the ducts of the gallbladder. According to statistics, there are 90 people for every 100, 000 people infected with giardiasis. But if we consider children under 14 years of age separately, there will be many more: 350 people for every 100, 000 of the population.

Such a gap is due to the way giardia is transmitted: through unwashed and unheated fruits, vegetables, berries, untreated water, and simply from dirty hands after contact with the pathogen. Symptoms: pain in the navel and upper abdomen, bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, general fatigue.

Cesalpinia, which is included in capsules for women, also has anthelmintic properties. Cleans the blood vessels, the urogenital area. It has an anthelmintic and antifungal effect.

There is another powerful drug that helps fight parasites: an oncoprotective drug. Of course, its main purpose differs from the general topic of the article. But this preparation contains a complete set of rare Thai herbs, many of which grow in a limited area and have a short collection period. The drug cleanses the lymphatic system of the body and many of its components have a direct effect against parasites.

With demodicosis, you may recommend a lotion that contains clinacanth and calamine, known for their antiseptic properties. Many people are probably familiar with calamine lotion. Calamine is basically a mixture of iron and zinc oxide and is sold in pharmacies. But in this case, the composition is enriched with another natural component, thanks to which calamine lotion with clinacanth becomes even more effective.

Another popular remedy for external use that will help in the fight against demodicosis is the Thai antiseptic mangosteen. Mangosteen extract has no contraindications and can be used by children. In Thailand, it is an alternative to vegetables and iodine. But its properties are far superior to these familiar antiseptics for everyone! It is used even in the treatment of more complex diseases, such as gonorrhea. In general, the mangosteen is called the "royal apple" in Thailand, and this is not in vain!

The popular virgin coconut oil also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It can be taken orally, it will also help cleanse the body of parasites at home. But alas, it only copes with bacteria, it doesn't take large parasites very well.

Another drinking oil, ginger, is also used as an anthelmintic. Like coconut, it can be drunk internally or applied to the skin. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and removes fungal diseases on the surface of the skin.

What can be prepared with the tools available?

A long time ago, I made ginger syrup - grated ginger root, poured honey and put it in the refrigerator for a week. Then he ate a teaspoon before meals. In a month, digestion has improved and the skin has become clearer.

In general, it should be recognized that deliberate treatment of parasites should be done in cooperation with a physician. It is possible to identify what type of parasitic organisms the organism is infected with only after proper investigation. And taking into account the revealed, the doctor can prescribe the appropriate treatment. But if you want to find an alternative to chemical preparations, or for some reason they do not give the expected effect, you can also connect natural preparations containing medicinal plants.

And it is worth remembering one rule: we cleanse the body of parasites, but we do not poison the internal organs! This means that, if possible, it is better to do it with natural products of natural origin; otherwise, you will have to study the next article on cleansing the body of toxins and drugs.

I hope that among the listed remedies you can find something for yourself to cleanse the body of parasites at home.

If you have any illness or illness, consult your doctor. We are against self-medication, we are for a reasonable approach to improving health.